Roberto Guzman – our taxi driver, takes a loan from the foundation. Picked me up from the airport Friday night. Jolly man. I appreciated his slow driving (not sure that was by choice though).
Larry – office management at CFH, 2nd counselor in Stake presidency, 27 years old.
Karen – Larry's wife.
Moises – our neighbor who, like everyone else, likes to sit outside his front door. That is when he isn't loading his bicycle (it has some metal carrier welded on the middle frame) or motorcycle with a propane tank for delivery.
Elvis – teenager works at the foundation.
Tony – gregarious, English speaker we met at the stadium ticket counter. Drank 10 beers at the baseball game, set me up with a girl who looked about 16. He left early, came back wanting to wait a bit as he was too drunk to drive. He put back another couple cans while he waited.
Ex-Pat – Big fan of the Costa Caribbean team (the only white fan among all blacks). Older man gray hair and beard, from Texas, but has lived in Nicaragua for so long that he speaks English as fast as Spanish (fast). Picture Colonel Sanders with a Dodgers hat on.
Karen – Basketball girl (way good, may have a little Caribbean in her). Speaks some English, joined our pick up game with the local kids Saturday night after the neighborhood soccer game.
Elliot – Karen's friend who cheered from the side. A nerdy sort, speaks English.
Obisbo – Bishop. Hasn't realized I don't speak Spanish yet. Runs a food stand in the center plaza. We had deep fried enchiladas, tacos and banana chips.
Johnathan – Teenage boy in the ward likes to talk to Eric and I. Laughs (more of a giggle) when I don't understand.
Rebecca – about 5'3” cute as a button. I think 21. We're going to her house for FHE tomorrow!
Gorge – Rebecca's cousin. They are the only active kids in their families so they hang together. He is putting in mission papers this summer.
Claudio – lives next to Larry and Karen. Delivers our food to the foundation everyday.
Adan – Teenage CFH intern. We went to his house to test out our auger and get some dimensions. (Another wild walk through town)
Darling – She brings us lunch here at CFH. It costs about $1.25. It tastes good but you could probably get it for that cheap in the states, it really is just rice and beans and a couple slices of fried banana. Oh and bags of some home made drink that goes directly in the trash after she leaves.
Leo – Teenage intern, works in the foundation burning leather book covers.
President Contrerres – Our stake president. We bumped into him the town square. Amiable but brief.